Monday, October 21, 2013

Morning Post

Hey chenta...
Morning beb! Haha pelik kn kol 4pagi ak dh crik ko. Guess wut?? I can't sleep for the whole night.. sbb tu ak crik ko. Pdhl ujan lebat kot. Mata ni xmo lelap gk. Haih sdp kot klo dpt tdo....

Pertahankn sume yg wt kte senyum, tinggalkn sume yg wt kte sdey...Ak dh abes pk spnjg pagi ni... smpi sudah xdpt solution.. cane? Mslhnye yg wt ak sdey DYE, yg wt ak senyum pon DYE. Wut shud i do? Rse2 kne amek jln tgh kot.. haha jeng3.... u noe wut comes around in my mind ryte. Hehehe...

Sometimes the worse solution is the best solution for all... but need strength? Nvm, you'll never noe how strong u're until being strong is the only choice left for you.. sayonara.... :)


Hye Chenta...
Lme btol x bloging. Tp bru hari ni ak pasan. Ak hanya akn start aktif bloging ble ak deactive fb. Haha..
Act, ak dh xda spe yg dpt share, dgr mslh ak. My bezfren is not my bezfren now. He has become a bezfren to another bezfren.
Ary ni ak sdey gle ble dh dpt tw whole story, cete sbnr psal mslh ak. He admit he has another gurl when we're having problem. It really hurts me n i hate being hurt. Dye kata dye curang ngn ak. But at least dye jjur gtw dye curang kt ak. Susa nk dpt partner cm dye. Tp act to me dye x curang. Ni sume jd ats sbb salah ak n prangai ak yg ego, xpndai nk tnjuk syg ak, keras hati... so deserves me ryte kn? Tp cket sebanyak aty ak rse saket dgn pe yg jd to both of us. Wuteva it is, lyfe must go on. Mmg dh nseb ak slalu gagal dlm hbgn kot. Am i right? Haha... nvm, god is always be wif me. Trust in him. InsyaAllah everything gonna be alright. Amin....